Feb. 12, 2020
One of the most outstanding aspects of the Tortoise Trust non-profit organization is that they, themselves, go on expeditions to wild habitats to observe what tortoises really do in nature and how they live. They have done extensive research on Testudo species and their work can be applied to the creation of the best possible tortoise habitats in captivity. Here is their article on the importance of outdoor enclosures for tortoises. The "psychological aspect" of natural-like habitats for captive tortoises is often underestimated. Here's a how-to video from the Garden State Tortoise Rescue showing the importance of outdoor habitats (for at least the warm season) for a tortoise's happiness, well-being and longevity — not to mention the whole UV situation, thermoregulation, exercise, egg-laying and much more. In 2024, Chris and Casey Leone of Garden State Tortoise visited the Norfolk Tortoise Club's private tortoise sanctuary in England. Although the club also houses other tortoises at their sanctuary, the second half of the video is all about the care and housing of Testudo species. You can view that video here.
Finally, although all the Testudo species have descended from a common ancestor and are therefore similar in many ways, they aren't identical. They live in different regions, for example, and over time have developed surprisingly different sensitivites and tolerances to heat and humidity. Some Testudo tortoise species and sub-species hibernate in the wild. Some don't. So although the above information is good, basic info, it's also important to fine-tune your set-up for the specific species that you're keeping. Below, then, are informational links for a few different Testudo species and subspecies commonly found as pets. Please note that not all experts agree. You may find that the opinions of some authors contradict those of others. In general, newer publications emphasizing more natural, outdoor enclosures and anything on the "Tortoise Trust" website can usually act as tie-breakers in cases of disagreement.