Watch this tortoise open the screen door!
Watch this tortoise open the screen door!
Tortoise Opens Screen Door
Watch this tortoise open the screen door!

Dec. 19, 2019
Last updated Nov. 4, 2021
The Smart Turtle & Tortoise Series The Smart Turtle & Tortoise Series The Smart Turtle & Tortoise Series

Back in 2019 and early 2020, the Sofa Cushion Challenge (ScC) hosted the “Smart Tortoise Series." But science is constantly making new discoveries. In October of 2021, Taiwan News reported on a new study suggesting that turtles can count... in a way. You can watch that report here. It was clear that the ScC Tweet about this discovery belonged on this page and so, on November 4, 2021, the title was changed from "The Smart Tortoise Series" to "The Smart Turtle & Tortoise Series." For over a decade, now, a good deal of evidence has been quietly building to the effect that turtle and tortoise minds are much sharper than was once believed. Since the point to having this page was always to highlight these stories, I will attempt to add new links to this page any time new facts come to light. — CH

Social media postings appear below in chronological order.

Intro |   Mazes |   Touch Screens |   Problem Solving |   10-Year Memory |   Counting |   Conclusion

Introduction Week 1: Dec. 19, 2019
Tortoise Opens Screen Door By Himself

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Mazes Week 2: Dec. 26, 2019

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Touch Screens Week 3: Jan. 2, 2020

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Problem Solving Week 4: Jan. 9, 2020

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Ten-Year Memory Week 5: Jan. 16, 2020

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Counting Nov. 3, 2021

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Conclusion Week 6: Jan. 22, 2020

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Placeholder Week 6: Jan. 22, 2020

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