Tortoise Backyard Habitat Tortoise Backyard Habitat
Photo courtesy of the California Turtle & Tortoise Club (CTTC): Valley Chapter

June 15, 2020
Tortoise Backyard Habitats
CTTC - Valley Meeting: June 19, 2020
7:00 PM PDT via Zoom
Tortoise Backyard Habitats
CTTC - Valley Meeting: June 19, 2020
7:00 PM PDT via Zoom
Tortoise Backyard Habitats
CTTC - Valley Meeting: June 19, 2020
7:00 PM PDT via Zoom

The CTTC Valley Chapter released the following information on June 15, 2020 re: their Friday, June 19, 2020 meeting via Zoom at 7:00 PM PDT.

Many of us have tortoises in our backyards and we would like to make sure we are providing the best environment we can for them. This Friday, we will take a look at several backyard habitats and maybe get some ideas as to how we can improve ours. We've been collecting some "best practices" ideas and photos to illustrate how you can do this.

We will be covering how to keep our tortoises safe, healthy and legal; yes, legal. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, of which we are partners, we are required to keep male California Desert tortoises separated from females and, for health and safety reasons, males from males. To provide some solutions, there will also be a section on the different types of divider fencing that are fairly easy to construct.

We'll cover housing, layouts, and fencing ideas to help you modify your backyard into a habitat that will put a smile on your tortoise, or turtle for that matter! We'll show and cover the various types of housing many of our members, both far and wide, have created. The program also features two case studies to illustrate the steps that you can take in creating or improving your backyard habitat.

Because we can not yet meet at the church on Shoup Avenue, we will be meeting virtually via Zoom, the very popular and secure on-line meeting platform.

To receive an invitation and instructions on how to join the Zoom session you must be a member of the CTTC-Valley Chapter. You can Join Here.

CTTC - Valley Chapter Info.

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