Count up the spare change you rediscovered in Step #1 and donate it to The California Turtle & Tortoise Club (Valley Chapter). Scroll down when you get there and click on the "Donate" button. You can use any "Donate" button anywhere on this website or if you prefer, you can send a check or money order made out to "CTTC Valley Chapter" to CTTC Valley Chapter, Post Office Box 7364, Van Nuys, CA 91409-7364
In case you're wondering, the tortoise in the picture is Speed Bump. He got that name because he was hit by a car. The Valley Chapter took him in, gave him veterinary care and also a special skateboard so that he could get around by himself, even without the use of his damaged hind legs. You can read his full story here
In the end, though, Speed Bump is just one example of a sick or injured tortoise rescued by the Valley Chapter. They take in abandoned and unwanted tortoises, give veterinary treatment to those that are sick or injured and then adopt them out to good homes... And they don't charge for any of it. Not for taking in a tortoise. And not for adoptions either. In recent times the influx of the sick and injured has become staggering. That was the reason I started this campaign.
Story & Photo Gallery: The Sick & the Injured - Here are the twelve sick & injured rescues that were featured during the campaign.
Woolsey Fire Tortoise Evacuation - Here you can see the aftermath of the evacuation that took place during the fire. Two of the Valley Chapter's rescue facilities were in mandatory evacuation zones in Nov. of 2018. 33 tortoises had to be evacuated.
The California Turtle & Tortoise Club (CTTC) is a California Public Benefit Corporation recognized as a non-profit organization under IRS Code 501(c)(3). They rely entirely on donations and fundraisers to do their work. Contributions and donations to the CTTC are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
The CTTC promotes the preservation of two of California’s native species, the Mojave Desert Tortoise and the Western Pond Turtle. They also educate the public on the care of pet turtles & tortoises and find homes for many that are abandoned or unwanted. Although the majority of the CTTC's rescues are healthy and can be adopted out immediately, the club also rescues, cares for and rehabilitates tortoises that are sick or injured. Statewide, the various chapters of the CTTC together are holding several hundred turtles and tortoises that need adoption. Learn more about turtle and tortoise adoption here.